Mission Vision Values


To worship God, enjoy Jesus, make disciples, and seek the renewal of all things... together.


Create welcoming communities that are deeply rooted in God's grace, committed to following Jesus and striving to mirror His love and teachings in all that they do.



As a church, we are committed to never moving on from the good news of the gospel. Instead, our goal is to continually delve deeper into the truths of who God is and what He has accomplished through Jesus. Our motivation to obey God stems not from a desire to earn His love, but from the knowledge that we are already loved through Jesus. The gospel is both our message and our motivation.


We are a church that aspires to live like a family, demonstrating love, service, and care for one another. While we cherish our Sunday Worship Gatherings, we are more than a weekly event; we are a community of interconnected individuals who share life together daily.


We are a church that seeks to live dependently on the power of the Holy Spirit in every aspect of our lives. Rather than attempting to fix ourselves through our own efforts, we trust in His power to work within us.


We are a church committed to living as missionaries in our everyday lives—where we live, work, and play—through both our words and actions. We aim to be a community where it's safe to belong even before you believe.


We are a church committed to raising up and multiplying disciples, leaders, and communities across the nations.


We are a church dedicated to participating in God’s mission to restore everything to its original intended state. Our desire is to partner with God in bringing His kingdom to every place, especially in Rancho Cucamonga and the surrounding cities.